Namespace Tensor
BlockTensor<'T> (union)
Block tensor specification.
CudaTensor (mod)
Functions for creating and operating on tensors stored on a nVidia CUDA GPU.
An object representing an HDF5 file.
HostTensor (mod)
Functions for creating and operating on tensors stored in host memory.
HostTensor.Parallel (mod)
Multi-threaded operations for tensors stored on the host device.
ITensor (mod)
Type-neutral interface to Tensor<'T> of any type 'T.
MatrixPart (union)
Upper or lower trianguler part of a matrix.
Operators (mod)
Useful core operators.
Rng (union)
Range over a dimension of a tensor.
A singular matrix was encountered during an operation that does not allow singular matrices.
An N-dimensional array with elements of type 'T.
TensorOrder (union)
Memory ordering of a tensor.
TensorVal (mod)
Special constants that can be passed instead of indicies or parameter values or be returned from methods.
Type-neutral interface to Tensor<'T> of any type 'T.