batches batchSize ds
Signature: batchSize:int64 -> ds:Dataset<'S> -> seq<'S>
Type parameters: 'S
Returns a sequence of batches with the given size of this dataset.
cutSequences stepsPerCut ds
Signature: stepsPerCut:int64 -> ds:Dataset<'?175694> -> Dataset<'?175695>
Type parameters: '?175694, '?175695
Cuts each sequence in the dataset into multiple chunks of length stepsPerCut .
cutToMinSamples minSamples ds
Signature: minSamples:int64 -> ds:Dataset<'?175697> -> Dataset<'?175697>
Type parameters: '?175697
Cuts each sequence in the dataset into multiple chunks so that at least minSamples are
in the resulting dataset. If the dataset already contains at least minSamples ,
then the function returns the dataset unaltered.
map f ds
Signature: f:(ITensor -> '?175699) -> ds:Dataset<'S> -> Dataset<'S>
Type parameters: '?175699, 'S
maps the field storages using the given function creating a new dataset
nSamples ds
Signature: ds:Dataset<'?175690> -> int64
Type parameters: '?175690
Number of samples.
nSteps ds
Signature: ds:Dataset<'?175692> -> int64
Type parameters: '?175692
Number of steps per sample in a sequence dataset.
ofSamples samples
Signature: samples:seq<'?175680> -> Dataset<'?175680>
Type parameters: '?175680
Constructs a dataset from a sequence of samples of record type 'S.
Each field in 'S must be of type ArrayNDT<_> and the dimensionality of each field
must be constant over all samples.
If the shape of a field varies over the samples it is padded (with zeros) to the largest
shape in the sample sequence.
The given sequence is enumerated only one time and the data is copied once.
ofSeqSamples seqSamples
Signature: seqSamples:seq<'?175682> -> Dataset<'?175682>
Type parameters: '?175682
Constructs a sequence dataset from a sequence of samples of record type 'S.
partition ratios ds
Signature: ratios:float<MeasureOne> list -> ds:Dataset<'S> -> Dataset<'S> list
Type parameters: 'S
Partitions this dataset using the given ratios.
slotBatches batchSize slotSize ds
Signature: batchSize:int64 -> slotSize:int64 -> ds:Dataset<'S> -> seq<'S>
Type parameters: 'S
Returns a sequence of batches of time slots with size batchSize and slotSize
respectively of the dataset.
toCuda ds
Signature: ds:Dataset<'S> -> Dataset<'S>
Type parameters: 'S
copies this dataset to a CUDA GPU
toHost ds
Signature: ds:Dataset<'S> -> Dataset<'S>
Type parameters: 'S
copies this dataset to the host
transfer dev ds
Signature: dev:ITensorDevice -> ds:Dataset<'S> -> Dataset<'S>
Type parameters: 'S
copies this dataset to the specified device