Namespace: SymTensor.Compiler.Cuda
Nested types and modules
Type | Description |
BlasTransposeOpT | BLAS transpose operation |
CPPFuncNameAttribute | specifies the name of the C++ function |
CudaCompileEnvT | additional environment informations for CUDA |
CudaExecEnvT | Actual CUDA internal memory allocations and external device and host references |
CudaRecipeDescT | description of how to build a CUDA recipe |
CudaTexObjectAndArray | |
DevMemPtrT | device memory pointer |
DevMemRngT | CUDA device memory range |
EventObjectT | CUDA event object |
EventT | a CUDA event that can be used for synchronization |
FuncDomainT | function domain (kernel only or host code that may call kernels) |
HostExternalMemT | pre-allocated host memory |
HostMemPtrT | host memory pointer |
HostMemRngT | CUDA host memory range |
ICudaExprWorkspace | forward declared interface for CudaExprWorkspace |
RegHostMemT | |
StreamT | a CUDA compute stream |
SubWorkspaceT | sub-workspace id |
TextureObjectT | a CUDA texture object |
TmplInstT | template instantiation specification |
UElemFuncInstT | instantiation (with pos order) of an UElemFunc |