Namespace: SymTensor
Parent Module: ModelContextTypes
Actual values for variables in a ParameterSet.
Constructor | Description |
new(parameterSet, symSizes, device)
Signature: (parameterSet:ParameterSetT<'T> * symSizes:SymSizeEnvT * device:IDevice) -> ParameterStorageT<'T>
CompiledName: .ctor
Instance members
Instance member | Description |
Signature: unit -> Tensor<'T>
flat array containing all parameters
CompiledName: set_Flat
Signature: unit -> unit
flat array containing all parameters
CompiledName: get_Flat
Signature: par:ExprT -> Tensor<'T>
value for a given parameter
CompiledName: set_Item
Signature: par:VarSpecT -> Tensor<'T>
value for a given parameter
CompiledName: set_Item
Signature: unit -> VarSpecT
value for a given parameter
CompiledName: get_Item
Signature: unit -> ExprT
value for a given parameter
CompiledName: get_Item
Load(hdf, prefix)
Signature: (hdf:HDF5 * prefix:string option) -> unit
Loads the parameter values from a previously saved HDF5 file using the specified prefix.
Signature: unit -> unit
prints the shapes of all parameters contained in this ParameterStorage
Save(hdf, prefix)
Signature: (hdf:HDF5 * prefix:string option) -> unit
Saves the parameter values to a HDF5 file.
Each parameter is stored in a separate HDF5 record under its name using the specified prefixed.
Signature: varEnv:VarEnvT -> VarEnvT
Uses the values of this ParameterStorageT for the the corresponding
ParameterSetT in the given variable environment.