Namespace: SymTensor
Functions for dealing with unified expressions.
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
channelShapes arg1
Signature: UExprT -> Map<ChannelT,NShapeSpecT>
the shape of all channels of the given unified expression
countUniqueOps uexpr
Signature: uexpr:UExprT -> int
counts unique subexpressions in a unified expression
dfltChShape arg1
Signature: UExprT -> NShapeSpecT
the shape of the default channel of the given unified expression
dfltChType arg1
Signature: UExprT -> Type
the type of the default channel of the given unified expression
dfltChTypename arg1
Signature: UExprT -> TypeNameT
the type of the default channel of the given unified expression
extractVars arg1
Signature: UExprT -> Set<VarSpecT>
extracts all variables from the unified expression
op arg1
Signature: UExprT -> UOpT
the op of the given unified expression
toExpr uExpr
Signature: uExpr:UExprT -> ExprT
Converts a unified expression to an expression.
Only works if the unified expression was created using the toUExpr function.
toUExpr expr
Signature: expr:ExprT -> UExprT
converts an expression to a unified expression
toUExprs exprs
Signature: exprs:ExprT list -> UExprT list
converts a list of expressions to a list of unified expressions
tryToExpr arg1
Signature: UExprT -> ExprT option
Converts a unified expression to an expression if the unified expression
was created using the toUExpr function. Otherwise returns None.