Namespace: Tensor
Parent Module: Decomposition
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Constructor | Description |
Signature: unit -> PCA
CompiledName: .ctor
Static members
Static member | Description |
Perform(data, nComps)
Signature: (data:Tensor<'T> * nComps:int64 option) -> Tensor<'T> * PCAInfo<'T>
Type parameters: 'T
Apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) whitening.
data must be of the form [sample, feature].
nComps optionally specifies how many components to keep.
Returns a tensor of the form [sample, component].
Reverse(whitened, arg2)
Signature: (whitened:Tensor<'T> * PCAInfo<'T>) -> Tensor<'T>
Type parameters: 'T
Reverses PCA whitening.
whitened must be of the form [sample, component].