Signature: ax:int -> unit
checks that the given axis is valid
Signature: (order:TensorOrder option) -> Tensor<'T>
returns a copy of the tensor
Signature: src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
Copies the specifed tensor into this tensor.
Both tensors must have same shape and storage.
Signature: Type
type of data stored in this tensor
CompiledName: get_DataType
Signature: ITensorDevice
device this tensor is stored on
CompiledName: get_Dev
Signature: (fn:(unit -> 'T)) -> unit
Fills the tensor with the values returned by the function.
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise absolute value using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise arcus cosinus function using this tensor as target
FillAdd(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise addition of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillAllAxis(ax src)
Signature: ax:int -> src:Tensor<bool> -> unit
false if there is at least one false element in given axis, using this tensor as target
FillAnd(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<bool> -> b:Tensor<bool> -> unit
element-wise logical "and" of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillAnyAxis(ax src)
Signature: ax:int -> src:Tensor<bool> -> unit
true if there is at least one true element in given axis, using this tensor as target
FillArgMaxAxis(ax src)
Signature: ax:int -> src:Tensor<'R> -> unit
positions of maximum values along given axis using this tensor as target
FillArgMinAxis(ax src)
Signature: ax:int -> src:Tensor<'R> -> unit
positions of minimum values along given axis using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise arcus sinus function using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise arcus tangens function using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise ceiling using this tensor as target
Signature: value:'T -> unit
Fills the tensor with the specified constant.
Signature: a:Tensor<'TA> -> unit
copies all elements into this tensor and converts their data type appropriately
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise cosinus function using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise cosinus hyperbolicus function using this tensor as target
FillDivide(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise division of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillDot(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
Dot product of two tensors using this tensor as target:
vecvec=>scalar, matvec=>vec, matmat=>mat, (batched mat)(batched mat)=>(batched mat).
FillEqual(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'R> -> b:Tensor<'R> -> unit
element-wise equal of two tensors using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise exponential function using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise floor using this tensor as target
FillFoldAxis(fn initial axis a)
Signature: (fn:('T -> 'TA -> 'T)) -> initial:'T -> axis:int -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> unit
folds the function over the given axis, using this tensor as target
Signature: src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
Copy source tensor into this tensor.
The source tensor is broadcasted to the size of this tensor, if possible.
FillGather(indices src)
Signature: (indices:Tensor<int64> option list) -> src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
Selects elements from src according to the specified indices.
Indices must be a list of Tensor options, one per dimension of src.
If None is specified in an dimension, the source index will match the
target index in that dimension.
FillGreater(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'R> -> b:Tensor<'R> -> unit
element-wise greater than of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillGreaterOrEqual(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'R> -> b:Tensor<'R> -> unit
element-wise greater than or equal to of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillIfThenElse(cond ifTrue ifFalse)
Signature: cond:Tensor<bool> -> ifTrue:Tensor<'T> -> ifFalse:Tensor<'T> -> unit
Elementwise writes elements from ifTrue if cond is true in this tensor,
otherwise elements from ifFalse.
Signature: (fn:(int64 [] -> 'T)) -> unit
Fills the tensor with the values returned by the function.
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
Matrix inversion using this tensor as target.
If the specified tensor has more than two dimensions, the matrices
consisting of the last two dimensions are inverted.
Signature: a:Tensor<'R> -> unit
element-wise check if elements are finite (not -Inf, Inf or NaN) using this tensor as target
FillLess(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'R> -> b:Tensor<'R> -> unit
element-wise less than of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillLessOrEqual(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'R> -> b:Tensor<'R> -> unit
element-wise less than of two tensors using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise logarithm to base e using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise logarithm to base 10 using this tensor as target
FillMap(fn a)
Signature: (fn:('TA -> 'T)) -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> unit
maps all elements using the specified function into this tensor
FillMap2(fn a b)
Signature: (fn:('TA -> 'TB -> 'T)) -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> b:Tensor<'TB> -> unit
Type parameters: 'TB
maps all elements using the specified function into this tensor
FillMapIndexed(fn a)
Signature: (fn:(int64 [] -> 'TA -> 'T)) -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> unit
maps all elements using the specified indexed function into this tensor
FillMapIndexed2(fn a b)
Signature: (fn:(int64 [] -> 'TA -> 'TB -> 'T)) -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> b:Tensor<'TB> -> unit
Type parameters: 'TB
maps all elements using the specified indexed function into this tensor
FillMaxAxis(ax src)
Signature: ax:int -> src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
maximum value over given axis using this tensor as target
FillMaxElemwise(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise picks the maximum of a or b using this tensor as target
FillMinAxis(ax src)
Signature: ax:int -> src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
minimum value over given axis using this tensor as target
FillMinElemwise(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise picks the minimum of a or b using this tensor as target
FillModulo(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise modulo of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillMultiply(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise multiplication of two tensors using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<bool> -> unit
element-wise logical negation using this tensor as target
FillNotEqual(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'R> -> b:Tensor<'R> -> unit
element-wise not equal of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillOr(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<bool> -> b:Tensor<bool> -> unit
element-wise logical "or" of two tensors using this tensor as target
Signature: (fn:(unit -> 'T)) -> unit
Fills the tensor with the values returned by the function using multiple threads.
FillParallelFoldAxis(fn initial axis a)
Signature: (fn:('T -> 'TA -> 'T)) -> initial:'T -> axis:int -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> unit
folds the function over the given axis, using this tensor as target and multiple threads
Signature: (fn:(int64 [] -> 'T)) -> unit
Fills the tensor with the values returned by the function using multiple threads.
FillParallelMap(fn a)
Signature: (fn:('TA -> 'T)) -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> unit
maps all elements using the specified function into this tensor using multiple threads
FillParallelMap2(fn a b)
Signature: (fn:('TA -> 'TB -> 'T)) -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> b:Tensor<'TB> -> unit
Type parameters: 'TB
maps all elements using the specified function into this tensor using multiple threads
FillParallelMapIndexed(fn a)
Signature: (fn:(int64 [] -> 'TA -> 'T)) -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> unit
maps all elements using the specified indexed function into this tensor using multiple threads
FillParallelMapIndexed2(fn a b)
Signature: (fn:(int64 [] -> 'TA -> 'TB -> 'T)) -> a:Tensor<'TA> -> b:Tensor<'TB> -> unit
Type parameters: 'TB
maps all elements using the specified indexed function into this tensor using multiple threads
FillPower(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise power of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillProductAxis(ax src)
Signature: ax:int -> src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
product over given axis using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise rounding using this tensor as target
FillScatter(indices src)
Signature: (indices:Tensor<int64> option list) -> src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
Sets the values of this tensor by summing elements from the source tensor into the elements
of this tensor specified by the indices.
If an index tensor is set to None then the target index is used as the source index.
Signature: data:seq<'T> -> unit
Fills the tensor with the values returned by the given sequence.
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise sign (keeping type) using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise sinus function using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise sinus hyperbolicus function using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise square root using this tensor as target
FillSubtract(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> b:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise subtraction of two tensors using this tensor as target
FillSumAxis(ax src)
Signature: ax:int -> src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
sum over given axis using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise tangens function using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise tangens hyperbolicus function using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise truncation using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise unary (prefix) minus using this tensor as target
Signature: a:Tensor<'T> -> unit
element-wise unary (prefix) plus using this tensor as target
FillXor(a b)
Signature: a:Tensor<bool> -> b:Tensor<bool> -> unit
element-wise logical "xor" of two tensors using this tensor as target
Signature: string
full contents string
CompiledName: get_Full
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * o3:obj * r:obj []) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1s, i1f, i2, o3, r)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2:int64 * o3:obj * r:obj []) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1, i2s, i2f, o3, r)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * o3:obj * r:obj []) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f, i2s, i2f, o3, r)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * o3:obj * r:obj []) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1, i2, o3, r)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * i2:int64 * o3:obj * r:obj []) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f, i2, o3, r)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2:int64 * o3:obj * r:obj []) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1, i2s, i2f, o3, r)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * o3:obj * r:obj []) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1, i2, o3, r)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2:int64 * o3:obj * r:obj []) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1s, i1f, i2s, i2f)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1s, i1f, i2)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2:int64) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1, i2s, i2f)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f, i2s, i2f)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1, i2)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * i2:int64) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f, i2)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2:int64) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1, i2s, i2f)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1, i2)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2:int64) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1s, i1f)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option) -> Tensor<'T>
GetSlice(i0s, i0f)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option) -> Tensor<'T>
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj * o6:obj * o7:obj * o8:obj * o9:obj -> Tensor<'T>
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj * o6:obj * o7:obj * o8:obj -> Tensor<'T>
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj * o6:obj * o7:obj -> Tensor<'T>
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj * o6:obj -> Tensor<'T>
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj -> Tensor<'T>
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj -> Tensor<'T>
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj -> Tensor<'T>
four- and more-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: set_Item
[i0, i1, i2]
Signature: i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2:int64 -> Tensor<'T>
three-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: set_Item
[i0, i1]
Signature: i0:int64 * i1:int64 -> Tensor<'T>
two-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: set_Item
Signature: i0:int64 -> Tensor<'T>
one-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: set_Item
Signature: rng:TensorRng list -> Tensor<'T>
n-dimensional slicing using a list of TensorRngs
CompiledName: set_Item
Signature: idx:int64 list -> 'T
access to a single item using a list of indices
(use array of indices for faster access)
CompiledName: set_Item
Signature: idx:int64 [] -> 'T
access to a single item using an array of indices
CompiledName: set_Item
Signature: unit -> int64 []
access to a single item using an array of indices
CompiledName: get_Item
Signature: unit -> int64 list
access to a single item using a list of indices
(use array of indices for faster access)
CompiledName: get_Item
Signature: unit -> TensorRng list
n-dimensional slicing using a list of TensorRngs
CompiledName: get_Item
Signature: unit -> int64
one-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: get_Item
Signature: i0:int64 -> int64
two-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: get_Item
[i0, i1]
Signature: i0:int64 * i1:int64 -> int64
three-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: get_Item
[o0, o1, o2]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj -> obj
four- and more-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj -> obj
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj -> obj
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj -> obj
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj * o6:obj -> obj
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj * o6:obj * o7:obj -> obj
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * o4:obj * o5:obj * o6:obj * o7:obj * o8:obj -> obj
CompiledName: set_Item
[o0, o1, o2, o3, r]
Signature: o0:obj * o1:obj * o2:obj * o3:obj * r:obj [] -> Tensor<'T>
four- and more-dimensional slicing using indices and special axes
CompiledName: get_Item
Signature: TensorLayout
layout of this tensor (shape, offset and strides)
CompiledName: get_Layout
Signature: int
number of dimensions
CompiledName: get_NDims
Signature: int64
number of elements
CompiledName: get_NElems
Signature: int64
CompiledName: get_Offset
Signature: string
pretty contents string
CompiledName: get_Pretty
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * o3:obj * o4:obj * r:obj []) -> unit
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2:int64 * o3:obj * o4:obj * r:obj []) -> unit
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * o3:obj * o4:obj * r:obj []) -> unit
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * o3:obj * o4:obj * r:obj []) -> unit
SetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1, i2, o3, o4, r)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * i2:int64 * o3:obj * o4:obj * r:obj []) -> unit
SetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f, i2, o3, o4, r)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2:int64 * o3:obj * o4:obj * r:obj []) -> unit
SetSlice(i0, i1, i2s, i2f, o3, o4, r)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * o3:obj * o4:obj * r:obj []) -> unit
SetSlice(i0, i1, i2, o3, o4, r)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2:int64 * o3:obj * o4:obj * r:obj []) -> unit
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1s, i1f, i2, value)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2:int64 * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1, i2s, i2f, value)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f, i2s, i2f, value)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1, i2, value)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * i2:int64 * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f, i2, value)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * i2:int64 * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0, i1, i2s, i2f, value)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2s:int64 option * i2f:int64 option * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0, i1, i2, value)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1:int64 * i2:int64 * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1s, i1f, value)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0s, i0f, i1, value)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * i1:int64 * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0, i1s, i1f, value)
Signature: (i0:int64 * i1s:int64 option * i1f:int64 option * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
SetSlice(i0s, i0f, value)
Signature: (i0s:int64 option * i0f:int64 option * value:Tensor<'T>) -> unit
Signature: int64 list
CompiledName: get_Shape
Signature: ITensorStorage<'T>
storage of this tensor
CompiledName: get_Storage
Signature: int64 list
CompiledName: get_Stride
Signature: Tensor<'T>
Transposes the given matrix.
If the given tensor has more then two dimensions, the last two axes are swapped.
CompiledName: get_T
Signature: maxElems:int64 -> string
Pretty string containing maxElems elements per dimension.
Signature: dev:ITensorDevice -> Tensor<'T>
Transfers this tensor to the specifed device.
Signature: src:Tensor<'T> -> unit
Transfers the specified tensor located on another device into this tensor.
Both tensors must have the same shape.
Signature: unit -> 'T
value of scalar (0-dimensional) tensor
CompiledName: set_Value
Signature: unit -> unit
value of scalar (0-dimensional) tensor
CompiledName: get_Value