addr idx a
Signature: idx:int64 list -> a:TensorLayout -> int64
address of element
allIdx a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> seq<int64 list>
sequence of all indices
allIdxOfDim dim a
Signature: dim:int -> a:TensorLayout -> seq<int64>
all indices of the given dimension
allIdxOfShape shp
Signature: shp:int64 list -> seq<int64 list>
a sequence of indicies enumerating all elements of the array with the given shape
allSrcRngsAndTrgtIdxsForAxisReduce dim a
Signature: dim:int -> a:TensorLayout -> seq<TensorRng list * int64 list>
broadcastDim dim size a
Signature: dim:int -> size:int64 -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
broadcast the given dimension to the given size
broadcastToSame ain bin
Signature: ain:TensorLayout -> bin:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout * TensorLayout
broadcasts to have the same size
broadcastToSameInDims dims ain bin
Signature: dims:seq<int> -> ain:TensorLayout -> bin:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout * TensorLayout
broadcasts to have the same size in the given dimensions
broadcastToSameInDimsMany dims sas
Signature: dims:seq<int> -> sas:TensorLayout list -> TensorLayout list
broadcasts to have the same size in the given dimensions
broadcastToSameMany sas
Signature: sas:TensorLayout list -> TensorLayout list
broadcasts to have the same size
broadcastToShape bs ain
Signature: bs:int64 list -> ain:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
broadcasts a tensor to the given shape
canReshape shp a
Signature: shp:int64 list -> a:TensorLayout -> bool
Returns true if a can be reshaped into shp without copying.
The number of elements must not change.
check a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> unit
checks that the layout is valid
checkAxis ax a
Signature: ax:int -> a:TensorLayout -> unit
checks that the given axis is valid
checkIndex shp idx
Signature: shp:int64 list -> idx:int64 list -> unit
checks that the given index is valid for the given shape
cStride shape
Signature: shape:int64 list -> int64 list
computes the stride given the shape for the ArrayND to be in C-order (row-major)
cutLeft a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
cuts one dimension from the left
cutRight a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
cuts one dimension from the right
diagAxis ax1 ax2 a
Signature: ax1:int -> ax2:int -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
Creates a layout that extracts the diagonal along the given axes.
The first axis is replaced with the diagonal and the second axis is removed.
Signature: TensorLayout
an ArrayND layout for an empty (zero elements) vector (1D)
fStride shape
Signature: shape:int64 list -> int64 list
computes the stride given the shape for the ArrayND to be in Fortran-order (column-major)
hasContiguousMemory a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> bool
true if the memory of the ArrayND is a contiguous block
idxToLinear a idx
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> idx:int64 list -> int64
Computes the linear index of a given index.
Linear indexing is performed in row-major order.
insertAxis ax a
Signature: ax:int -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
Inserts an axis of size 1 before the specified position.
isBroadcasted a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> bool
returns true if at least one dimension is broadcasted
isC a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> bool
true if the ArrayND is contiguous
isF a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> bool
true if the ArrayND is in Fortran order
linearToIdx a linear
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> linear:int64 -> int64 list
Computes the index of a given linear index.
nDims a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> int
number of dimensions
nElems a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> int64
number of elements
newC shp
Signature: shp:int64 list -> TensorLayout
a C-order (row-major) ArrayND layout of the given shape
newF shp
Signature: shp:int64 list -> TensorLayout
a Fortran-order (column-major) ArrayND layout of the given shape
newOrdered shp strideOrder
Signature: shp:int64 list -> strideOrder:int list -> TensorLayout
a ArrayND layout of the given shape and stride order
offset a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> int64
orderedStride shape order
Signature: shape:int64 list -> order:int list -> int64 list
Computes the strides for the given shape using the specified ordering.
The axis that is first in the ordering gets stride 1.
The resulting strides will be independent of the shape of the axis
that appears last in the ordering.
A C-order stride corresponds to the ordering: [n; n-1; ...; 2; 1; 0].
A Fortran-order stride corresponds to the ordering: [0; 1; 2; ...; n-1; n].
padLeft a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
adds a new dimension of size one to the left
padRight a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
adds a new dimension of size one to the right
padToSame a b
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> b:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout * TensorLayout
pads shapes from the left until they have same rank
padToSameMany sas
Signature: sas:TensorLayout list -> TensorLayout list
pads shapes from the left until they have same rank
permuteAxes permut a
Signature: permut:int list -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
Permutes the axes as specified.
Each entry in the specified permutation specifies the new position of
the corresponding axis, i.e. to which position the axis should move.
reshape shp a
Signature: shp:int64 list -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
Reshape layout under the assumption that it is contiguous.
The number of elements must not change.
An error is raised, if reshape is impossible without copying.
reverseAxis ax a
Signature: ax:int -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
Reverses the elements in the specified dimension.
shape a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> int64 list
stride a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> int64 list
stridesEqual shp aStr bStr
Signature: shp:int64 list -> aStr:int64 list -> bStr:int64 list -> bool
True if strides are equal at all dimensions with size > 1.
swapDim ax1 ax2 a
Signature: ax1:int -> ax2:int -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
swaps the given dimensions
transpose a
Signature: a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
Transposes the given layout of a matrix.
If the array has more then two dimensions, the last two axes are swapped.
tryReshape shp a
Signature: shp:int64 list -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout option
Reshape layout under the assumption that it is contiguous.
The number of elements must not change.
Returns Some newLayout when reshape is possible without copy
Returns None when a copy is required.
view ranges a
Signature: ranges:TensorRng list -> a:TensorLayout -> TensorLayout
creates a subview layout