Signature: CudaBlas
callback cuStream fn
Signature: cuStream:CUstream -> fn:(unit -> unit) -> unit
Places a callback function on a CUDA stream.
The function is executed on a global callback thread and is allowed to make CUDA calls.
The thread's CUDA context has been set to the libraries CUDA context.
The CUDA stream continues execution while the callback function is being invoked.
The callback can be blocked by waiting for other callbacks.
callbackWithResult cuStream fn
Signature: cuStream:CUstream -> fn:(CUResult -> unit) -> unit
Places a callback function on a CUDA stream.
The function is executed on a thread-pool thread and is allowed to make CUDA calls.
This function is less efficient than Cuda.callback.
checkContext ()
Signature: unit -> unit
Checks that the thread's current CUDA context is the CUDA context that was active
or created while this module was initialized.
computeLaunchDim (...)
Signature: (int64 * int64 * int64) -> maxBlockSize:int -> LaunchDim
Computes CUDA launch dimensions from work dimensions and maximum block size.
It is possible that the calculated launch dimensions will be smaller than the
specified work dimensions, since the maximum block and grid sizes are limited.
Signature: CudaContext
CUDA context
Signature: CudaDeviceProperties
CUDA device info
divCeil a b
Signature: a:int64 -> b:int64 -> int64
Is equivalent to int64 (ceil(float a / float b)).
getIntPtr cuPtr
Signature: cuPtr:CUdeviceptr -> IntPtr
gets device pointer as IntPtr
init ()
Signature: unit -> unit
Ensures that CUDA is initialized. Multiple calls are allowed and have no effect.
keepAlive cuStream x
Signature: cuStream:CUstream -> x:obj -> unit
Keeps the given object alive (i.e. prevent it from being GCed)
until all operations that were queued on the given CUDA stream
up to now have been executed.
keepAliveMany cuStream xs
Signature: cuStream:CUstream -> xs:obj list -> unit
Keeps the given objects alive (i.e. prevent them from being GCed)
until all operations that were queued on the given CUDA stream
up to now have been executed.
Signature: BlockDim
CUDA maximum block dimension
Signature: GridDim
CUDA maximum grid dimension
Signature: string
nvcc arch code
Signature: string
nvcc sm code
printDevice ()
Signature: unit -> unit
prints short CUDA device information
printInfo ()
Signature: unit -> unit
prints CUDA info
setContext ()
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the thread's current CUDA context to the CUDA context that was active
or created while this module was initialized.
shutdown ()
Signature: unit -> unit
shutsdown CUDA (necessary for correct profiler results)
toDim3 (arg1, arg2, arg3)
Signature: (int * int * int) -> dim3
convert block/grid dimension (x, y, z) to VectorTypes.dim3