

Namespace: Tensor.Utils

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
addElemwise a b
Signature: a:^?184041 list -> b:^?184041 list -> ^?184041 list
Type parameters: ^?184041

Elementwise addition of two list. If one list is shorter, it is padded with zeros.

insert elem value lst
Signature: elem:int -> value:'a -> lst:'a list -> 'a list
Type parameters: 'a

insert the specified value at index elem

removeValueOnce value lst
Signature: value:'?184033 -> lst:'?184033 list -> '?184033 list
Type parameters: '?184033

removes the first element with the given value

set elem value lst
Signature: elem:int -> value:'a -> lst:'a list -> 'a list
Type parameters: 'a

sets element with index elem to given value

sumElemwise ls
Signature: ls:seq<^a list> -> ^a list
Type parameters: ^a

Elementwise summation of lists. All lists are padded to the same size with zeros.

swap elem1 elem2 lst
Signature: elem1:int -> elem2:int -> lst:'?184039 list -> '?184039 list
Type parameters: '?184039

swaps the elements at the specified positions

transpose _arg1
Signature: _arg1:'?184037 list list -> '?184037 list list
Type parameters: '?184037

transposes a list of lists

without elem lst
Signature: elem:int -> lst:'a list -> 'a list
Type parameters: 'a

removes element with index elem

withoutValue value lst
Signature: value:'?184031 -> lst:'?184031 list -> '?184031 list
Type parameters: '?184031

removes all elements with the given value

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