addSameKeys p q
Signature: p:Map<'a,^b> -> q:Map<'a,^b> -> Map<'a,^b>
Type parameters: 'a, ^b
merges two maps by adding the values of the same key
join p q
Signature: p:Map<'a,'b> -> q:Map<'a,'b> -> Map<'a,'b>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b
adds all items from q to p
ofDictionary dictionary
Signature: dictionary:seq<KeyValuePair<'?184055,'?184056>> -> Map<'?184055,'?184056>
Type parameters: '?184055, '?184056
Creates a map from a System.Collection.Generic.Dictionary<_,_>.
sum ps
Signature: ps:seq<Map<'a,^b>> -> Map<'a,^b>
Type parameters: 'a, ^b
merges two maps by summing the values of the same key